What are the 5 W’s to Cover in the Press Release Opening Paragraph

An image of a notebook with a pen on the top with a coffee next to it

One of the key aspects of a successful press release is the opening paragraph, which should succinctly answer the five W’s: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. In this blog post, we will delve into each of these elements, providing valuable insights on how to create a strong opening paragraph that captures attention and engages readers.

1. WHO

The opening paragraph of a press release should clearly identify the main players involved in the news or announcement. Whether it’s a company, an individual, a non-profit organisation, or a government agency, it is crucial to state the primary entity that the press release is centred around. Including this information right at the beginning allows readers to immediately grasp the context and understand who the press release is about.

Three people sat around a desk opening a laptop

2. WHAT 

After identifying the “Who,” the next essential element to cover in the opening paragraph is the “What.” Clearly and concisely state the purpose of the press release and the main news or announcement being made. Whether it’s a product launch, a partnership agreement, ground-breaking research finding, or an event, make sure to highlight the most newsworthy aspect of the story to captivate the reader’s attention.

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Including the timing of the news is vital to a press release’s opening paragraph. Be sure to provide the exact date or a specific time frame for when the event, announcement, or initiative is set to take place. This information helps the media and readers understand the urgency and relevance of the news. If the event has already occurred, state the date it happened to provide a clear timeline.


The “Where” element in the opening paragraph helps set the stage for the news or announcement. It answers the question of the physical location or the platform where the event or development is taking place. If it’s a physical venue, mention the city or region, and if it’s an online event or initiative, provide details about the virtual platform being used. Adding this context enables readers to better connect with the story and visualize the setting.

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5. WHY

Finally, the opening paragraph should address the “Why.” This is the part where you explain the significance, or the value of the news being shared. Clearly articulate the purpose, goals, or benefits associated with the announcement. This section highlights the impact the news will have on the target audience or the community at large, making it more compelling and worthy of media coverage.

If your opening paragraph answers the Who, What, When, Where, and Why, it will capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to read on. 

If you’re looking to distribute a press release or create one but aren’t sure where to start, our expert team is here to help.  Place your order today.

Written By
Xana Doyle

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An image of a notebook with a pen on the top with a coffee next to it

One of the key aspects of a successful press release is the opening paragraph, which should succinctly answer the five W’s: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. In this blog post, we will delve into each of these elements, providing valuable insights on how to create a strong opening paragraph that captures attention and engages readers.

1. WHO

The opening paragraph of a press release should clearly identify the main players involved in the news or announcement. Whether it’s a company, an individual, a non-profit organisation, or a government agency, it is crucial to state the primary entity that the press release is centred around. Including this information right at the beginning allows readers to immediately grasp the context and understand who the press release is about.

Three people sat around a desk opening a laptop

2. WHAT 

After identifying the “Who,” the next essential element to cover in the opening paragraph is the “What.” Clearly and concisely state the purpose of the press release and the main news or announcement being made. Whether it’s a product launch, a partnership agreement, ground-breaking research finding, or an event, make sure to highlight the most newsworthy aspect of the story to captivate the reader’s attention.

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Including the timing of the news is vital to a press release’s opening paragraph. Be sure to provide the exact date or a specific time frame for when the event, announcement, or initiative is set to take place. This information helps the media and readers understand the urgency and relevance of the news. If the event has already occurred, state the date it happened to provide a clear timeline.


The “Where” element in the opening paragraph helps set the stage for the news or announcement. It answers the question of the physical location or the platform where the event or development is taking place. If it’s a physical venue, mention the city or region, and if it’s an online event or initiative, provide details about the virtual platform being used. Adding this context enables readers to better connect with the story and visualize the setting.

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5. WHY

Finally, the opening paragraph should address the “Why.” This is the part where you explain the significance, or the value of the news being shared. Clearly articulate the purpose, goals, or benefits associated with the announcement. This section highlights the impact the news will have on the target audience or the community at large, making it more compelling and worthy of media coverage.

If your opening paragraph answers the Who, What, When, Where, and Why, it will capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to read on. 

If you’re looking to distribute a press release or create one but aren’t sure where to start, our expert team is here to help.  Place your order today.

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