TELF AG shares insights on the innovation potential of Uzbekistan

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Lugano, Switzerland, October 28, 2023 – A brand-new TELF AG publication entitled “TELF AG discusses some mining innovations in Uzbekistan” focuses on Uzbekistan’s potential in the field of raw materials, analyzing a particular technique production recently introduced by one of the major national companies specializing in ferrous alloys.
Central Asia has always been able to stand out for an excellent production level of raw materials but also for a large variety of ferrous and industrial minerals extracted on its territory. Uzbekistan, specifically, has recently stood out for having introduced a sustainable extraction technique that could certainly improve the overall level of production, in particular from a sustainable point of view, setting itself as a valid example to be imitated for other nations in about to change its production strategy in the raw materials sector.
The Almalyk Mining company has in fact recently introduced a new technique for the extraction of ferromobdilene, which is essentially based on the use of waste materials deriving from the production of the ferrous alloy itself. This is an innovative technique animated by the spirit of sustainability, which will make it possible to use a lower quantity of energy and have a lower impact on the environment while promoting the culture of recycling in the field of raw materials (a theme that is already at the top of the political agendas of several governments and international institutions).

TELF AG also mentions some of the main industrial applications of this important metal alloy, among which it is worth mentioning all those linked to the production of ferrous alloys but also to the manufacturing of hardware, machine tools, and equipment. Ferromobdilene, as stated in the publication, also plays an important role in the production phases of various means of transport, such as ships, trucks or traditional cars, and in many cases, it is added to stainless steels to make them even more performing. 
Uzbekistan, in this sense, can certainly carve out an important role for itself in the Central Asian natural resources sector, which in recent years has always proven to be quite flourishing. The Uzbek nation, in particular, has stood out over the years for its massive production of gold and uranium, for its high quantity of deposits and minerals found within them, but also for the quality of its mineral production, ferrous and industrial, such as copper, graphite, iron, iodine, nitrogen, lead, and manganese. To find out more, we advise readers to read the full publication.


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