Successful sell out of 10,000 ToastPunk Genesis NFTs brings the founders Metaverse ambitions closer.

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Warrp, an Australian Web 3 tech startup founded in 2020, has built one of the most organically engaged communities in the NFT space.
The team at Warrp, who hosts a global community of 60,000 NFT and Web 3 users are working around the clock to action all of its roadmap deliverables and more.
The community minted its 10,000th NFT for the ToastPunk Genesis collection late in March 2022 and has seen slight dips and gains in the floor price much expected with any organically released NFT collection.
Matthew Ng, the creator of ToastPunk and the CEO of Warrp has commented that his team is not concerned at all about the current floor price and is mainly focused at delivering the utilities that come with ToastPunk NFTs.
“We as a community have been through so much, and our team has always been there to support everyone.
It is now up to us (the community and team) to work together to create everlasting value now and into the future.
The demand of ToastPunk NFTs will be far greater than what it is currently when the utilities of these NFTs come close to fruition.” 
The announcement of a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) called the ToastPunk OG DAO starting on the 1st of May 2022 is intended to spearhead this new movement forward.
The ToastPunk OG DAO consisting of NFT holders from the first and original ToastPunk NFT collection will handle the current and future treasury of the project and decide on the use of these funds through a proposal and voting mechanism that is commonly seen across decentralised governance of larger NFT and cryptocurrency projects. 
The founder of ToastPunk will play a role in the ToastPunk OG DAO however with the support of its DAO members and recently appointed community leaders be able to focus at expanding the Warrp team and project deliverables which majoritarily supports the ToastPunk and wider NFT ecosystem as a whole.
Upcoming developments for Warrp include an ambitious NFT racing game called Racer Club made just in time for the growing market of Web 3 play-to-earn users.
An announcement from the official Warrp Twitter account stipulated that Racer Club has earmarked a game demo version in May and an early access release in June followed with an allowlist sale of 2,500 Game Pack NFTs which will enable other NFT projects to start their own Racer Club.
Except for lightweight 3D designs shown via the ToastPunk and Warrp Twitter accounts, the in-game look and feel has not been seen publicly by anyone yet.
The Racer Club whitepaper which is accessible only via the ToastPunk discord community is being kept under tight lids and therefore no public knowledge on any pertinent game and partner information is available.
But from the excitement seen through the responses of the ToastPunk community via its official Twitter account, Racer Club could potentially be a hidden metaverse treasure that the NFT world is looking for.
About Warrp –
Warrp is an agile Web 3 company that is focused at delivering community driven utility that empowers NFT holders and project creators to accelerate in the space.
About ToastPunk –
ToastPunk is a NFT project on the Ethereum blockchain that was initially launched in September 2021 as an inspirational art collective that has since grown into a well recognised NFT brand with its active community involvement and project collaborations.
About Racer Club
Racer Club is a metaverse racing game project created by Warrp that is launching in 2022.
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