Somerset primary school tackles childcare shortage with new modular pre-school

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SOMSERSET, UK. 1st August, 2024 – In light of a shortage of childcare placements throughout the UK, a school in Somerset has welcomed their new modular pre-school building. A project which has also created much-needed space for thirty more primary school students.
The expansion comes at a time when many parents in the UK are finding it difficult to secure childcare placements, with fewer places available at nurseries for pre-school children of all ages. According to a survey by Coram Family and Childcare, only a third of councils in England report that they have sufficient childcare for parents working full-time.

“Having the new modular building here is so important for the local community because it lets us offer the pre-school service five days a week. This means parents can use it as a full-time provision, allowing them to go out and work.” Said Steve Macabee, Governor of Keinton Mandeville.

The pupils at Keinton Mandeville Primary School were able to watch the project progress from arrival to a functioning school room in only six and a half weeks, thanks to the use of innovative modular construction methods. The school admitted, “We’re all utterly obsessed with cranes now!”.

The modern, timber-clad building was commissioned by Somerset Council and constructed by Hampshire-based modular building company PF Modular, who worked alongside education property consultants Futures for Somerset. In addition to the building, PF Modular supplied groundworks, landscaping, solar panels and pedestrian access-controlled gates.

“We’re so excited to have the pre-school and extra classroom on site,” said Jo Crook, Headteacher at Keinton Mandeville. “Every little detail has been very well thought out, and all of the people working on site were really respectful of our time and what we needed as a school”.

The welcoming, spacious and expertly constructed new pre-school, aptly named “The Nest”, has already become the permanent home for one of Keinton Mandeville’s primary school classes. In September, it will welcome Somerset’s newest learners and help take the weight off many new parents.
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