SHICRET, the Controversial Book and Method to Be Unfaithful by Albert XL, Now Available in English

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BARCELONA, SPAIN. 13th February, 2024 – Albert XL Arnaiz, Spanish author, infidelity coach and teacher, has just released his highly anticipated book SHICRET: How to Be Unfaithful Without Getting Caught, now in English. Poised to revolutionize our understanding of infidelity and already acclaimed in the Hispanic market, the book offers a unique perspective on successful infidelity through the 7-step SHICRET method.
On “Mistress Day”, Arnaiz aims to penetrate the English-speaking market following successful tours in Spain and Miami, where he appeared on various media outlets, including Telemundo (NBC), Univision, AmericaTV, Telecinco and Antena 3.
What is SHICRET?
SHICRET® is a registered trademark representing both a “Big Secret” and a 7-step method for discreet infidelity. Each step corresponds to a letter in the word SHICRET: Secrecy, Hearing, Intimating, Cohabitating, Reiterating, Evading and Terminating.
Its objective?
To help individuals already engaged in infidelity refine their techniques and avoid detection, as well as guide those contemplating infidelity who are unsure where to begin.
The English version of SHICRET is now available on Amazon. Whether you agree or disagree with its content, SHICRET is more than a typical self-help guide—it challenges social norms and encourages readers to think outside the box when it comes to achieving success when being unfaithful.
For more information, visit the official SHICRET website or follow SHICRET on social media.
About the author:
I’m Albert XL Arnaiz, from Barcelona, presently in my forties. For many years, I’ve cheated on various people, and the truth is that it’s worked out very well for me! I have experienced unique, unrepeatable, and incredible sensations and experiences. Moreover, being unfaithful has positively changed my life, transforming me into a better version of myself. Thanks to having an affair, I even decided to change partners and had a wonderful daughter. I have no regrets and nothing to hide, and, of course, I would do it over again if I could go back in time. I hope you don’t judge me for what I did and much less for writing this book. I am not in favor of cheating, but I am not against it. We dare so little, yet life is so short!
Book: for sale on Amazon in paperback and digital format (eBook). 
Web: where you can request consulting, coaching and more information about infidelity training courses.
Podcast Tu Profesor Infiel” (Spanish): Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iVoox, Google Podcasts and more platforms.
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