Serial Entrepreneur, Shane Quigley, Shares Secret to Personal Abundance in Groundbreaking New Book

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LEEDS, UK, 15 February 2024 – In an era where traditional rules seem to constrain more than empower, renowned serial entrepreneur Shane Quigley has released a revolutionary book that promises to redefine the path to personal abundance. Titled “Break The Rules That Are Holding You Back,” Quigley’s latest endeavour distills decades of real-world business experience and personal growth into a compelling narrative and actionable advice.

Drawing from a remarkable journey that took him from working at McDonalds to generating billions in revenue, Quigley’s book is not just a business manual; it is a profound exploration of the beliefs, mindset, and strategies that can unlock the door to unprecedented success and freedom.

“Break The Rules That Are Holding You Back” is designed to challenge readers to question the status quo, unearth their unique strengths, and embrace a life of abundance by breaking free from outdated beliefs and societal constraints. Through a combination of personal anecdotes, insightful exercises, and practical wisdom, Quigley offers a roadmap for anyone looking to redefine their life on their own terms.

The book launch has already garnered attention from industry leaders and personal development enthusiasts alike, marking it as a must-read for those ready to transform their approach to success and personal fulfillment.

Shane said: “This book represents a lifetime of learning, often the hard way and I’m just glad to be able to give something back.

“Having two young children and thinking about what they want out of life, I wrote the book with the future version of them in mind. Hopefully they can surpass my achievements in the future and live fulfilling lives.

“This book is for anybody that wants to break free from their current day to day cycle and build a path towards a life of freedom and abundance.”

“Break The Rules That Are Holding You Back” is available now at Amazon.


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