Rising Young Innovators Unite Forces to Challenge Tech Giants with Revolutionary New App in the Works

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LONDON, UK 8th March 2023 – Jelloh Ltd, a leading software development company, has recently launched OUT, an all-in-one app designed to make planned outings easy and effortless. The app features a key planner feature, which allows users to sync their planners with friends or family, making it easier to determine everyone’s availability. In addition, the app also includes a custom-designed voting tool and budget tool, accessible to any group member via the ‘option’ button, for improved decision-making.
Austin James Adams-Harriott Co-Founder and CEO of Jelloh Ltd notes, “We wanted to create an app that simplifies the process of organising group outings and reunions. Our mission is to open up new possibilities for exploration and discovery around the globe, which our app offers with tailor-made features that keep users enthralled and content.”
After five years of development, the company launched its beta version, which has seen an overwhelming response with over ten thousand pre-downloads so far. “We’re thrilled with the response we’ve received so far,” the founder added. “We believe OUT has the potential to be a game-changer in the world of social media and event planning.”
The idea for OUT came from the founder’s experience in the British armed forces, where he took courses in data science and analysis. His research revealed that since the release of Instagram, there has been a large decrease in posts featuring people with their friends or family. Jelloh’s founder saw this as a problem and wanted to create an app that promotes user engagement with another person, like a friend or family member.
“Our app is different from other social media apps because it focuses on connection features,” Austin explained. “We want to encourage people to go out, make plans, and organise social groups. In a world that’s becoming increasingly disconnected, we want to help people build meaningful connections with others.”
Austin also wanted to create an app that helps people find activities, experiences, and getaways wherever they are in an accessible way. “There are so many hidden gems that people don’t know about due to a lack of information and knowledge,” he said. “We want to change that by providing users with a search engine app that helps them find new things to do and places to visit.”
The app is currently available for download on both the App Store and Google Play. The company plans to roll out the app in stages with software updates throughout the year. “We’re excited to see where this app takes us,” Austin said. “We believe it has the potential to change the way people connect with each other and plan events.”
For more information, visit the OUT website at www.outapp.com.
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