NEBRASKA, US 6th March 2023 – Using ProMarketing Leads’ network of global call center partners, they can provide consumer telemarketing leads that have recently answered the phone and spoke with a telemarketer for 30 or more seconds.
ProMarketing Leads, LLC one of the most innovative and reputable telemarketing lead brokers, has recently announced a brand new offering for B2C call centers. Now clients can purchase telemarketing leads that have recently answered a telemarketing call in the last 1 to 30 days and spoke to a live rep for over 30 seconds.
The telemarketing list can be filtered to the call center client’s preferences. For example, if they want to call households that have answered a telemarketing call in the last 3 days and had a talk time of over 60 seconds with a live outbound rep that is now possible.
“Telemarketing is a contact sport. If you aren’t getting prospects on the line to talk to you aren’t selling. This new list offering built using our global network of call centers ensures you will get prospects on the line, that they want to talk and are willing to do business over the phone. There are a lot of obstacles these days for our call center clients getting a call through and getting a prospect on the line. With this new telemarketing database offering our call center clients are seeing contact rates, talk time and sales they haven’t seen before” says Brad Allen Owner and President of ProMarketing Leads.
With these telemarketing lists it is possible to filter by basic demographics such as age, income, gender and homeowner status. This allows telemarketers to not only ensure a good contact rate but also properly target the marketing message and the offer.
It is no secret that it is increasingly difficult to reach prospects over the phone. This telemarketing list offering changes that. The telemarketing leads are not only of individuals who had a long conversation with an outbound rep but also can be filtered for individuals who responded to a direct mail offer and made an outbound call to a call center. These inbound telemarketing leads have a high propensity to do business over the phone.
About ProMarketing Leads
ProMarketing Leads, LLC is a full-service direct marketing list and sales lead provider. As an independent list broker business, their data offerings tap a huge network of the most unique and targeted lists and leads. They have serviced the call center industry for over 20 years with possibly the most targeted telemarketing leads in existence utilizing transactional and behavioral data. ProMarketing Leads manages a global network of cooptative call center data which provides call center clients the best telemarketing leads possible. More information about ProMarketing Leads Telemarketing Lists can be found on their website