Part of the Family by Jan Garsden a new book about a Cheshire family’s fostering journey to be published on 16th December 2022

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MACCLESFIELD, UK 15th December 2022- Part of the Family, by Jan Garsden is an inspiring story of one Macclesfield family’s journey through the British care system. From the point of view of a foster carer, it tells of the funny, challenging, and often harrowing times of living life in an ever-changing household of temporary children.

Steering a course through the muddy waters of the care system has provided many obstacles but has overall proved to be a rewarding and heart-warming experience for the author. Children who find themselves removed from their birth families are thrust into a system which, although trying its best, is so often lacking in the love and good quality nurturing they deserve. As a society, we need to look at the way we deal with vulnerable children.

This book appeals to not only those who foster children, but anyone considering the fostering experience. It is also a heart rending story of children who should have been given a better start in life. It will make you laugh, cry, and angry in equal measure.

Jan said: “Although this is my first book, and I am just a pensioner with a pen, I am delighted that the many hours of pleasure, pain, and hilarity we experienced with our foster children will finally be published. I think that my story is relevant to anybody who has contact with children. It will make you laugh, cry, and angry in equal measure. I hope the reader enjoys it.”

Jan Garsden from Macclesfield, Cheshire.

Although this is Jan’s first book, her story is both powerful and moving. She was first a model and a beauty queen, and then an interior designer. She and her family decided to “give something back” and began fostering in 2007. The following 10 years were a rollercoaster of emotions, including anger, frustration, sadness, joy, elation, and humour, but the idea of helping children was at the core of their beliefs. Jan made notes throughout her fostering career in order to remember the individuals who touched her life.

Jan lives on a farm in the beautiful Cheshire countryside.

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