SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO 17th May 2023- A new loyalty rewards program, OMG Rewards, has just launched the world’s first membership system to guarantee, hold or gain value for its customers.
The programme is a secured savings membership club, offering pure physical gold as rewards for purchases. The patented rewards system is designed to guarantee that the rewards hold, or gain value even with inflation, to truly benefit members.
Consumers can buy from their favorite retailers and wholesalers, gain their best deals, and receive free rebates in physical gold on top, with every purchase. Along with this, new members can sign up for OMG Rewards for free, with the purchase rebate received being “tax-free”.
According to US Inflation Calculator, the annual inflation rate for the United States was 4.9% for the 12 months ended April, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on May 10, 2023. This follows a rise of 5.0% in the previous period.
With most rewards programmes, advantages like air miles and coupons lose their value over time, meaning most of these advantages won’t feel as desirable as inflation grows. These all have the “Counterparty Risk” of being devalued by the issuer, and charging more of each type to use them with inflation, or becoming totally worthless. Whereas Gold never goes to zero.
The loyalty and rewards space in the fintech industry is closing in on USD$200 billion per year globally, and OMG Rewards has the only patented alternative to “losing in loyalty” rewards- real, pure gold.
Only pure physical 24K (.9999) Gold has a 52-year history (1971-2023) after coming off the Gold standard of the USDollar primary world reserve currency, of a CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) gain in value of more than 8%. In 1971, the value was $35 per troy ounce (8/16/1971), and today it has risen to $1995 (4/17/2023). When considering that most pensions need only 6.5% to 8% CAGR to remain solvent and pay all liabilities, gold is a solid asset, accumulating value over time.
OMG Rewards also holds a patent that covers all possible use applications of their innovative rewards system, as attested to by Patent Arts Unit Examiners assessments, and OMG’s patent attorney’s firm. No addendums or extra patents are required to cover all possible use applications of their gold-backed rewards system.
In addition to their “Secured Savings System” of the gold-backed rebates shopping website, and proprietary top tech for their online and offline in-store POS operations, the initial offering also includes 4 integrated and fully capable Android and iOS apps. They are also currently seeking strategic partners for the world’s first gold-back credit and debit cards.