New podcast shines spotlight on ADHD in business

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OXFORD, October 19th 2022 – Business owners battling Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can now enjoy some top tips for overcoming it, thanks to a new podcast.

Certified business strategist Katie McManus – who has been diagnosed with the condition – created the show to teach others strategies she has learned to be successful in the working world.

ADHD is a neurological disorder that impacts parts of the brain that help us plan, focus on, and execute tasks – all of which are necessary to operate a business.

During her show ‘Business Strategy (For Weenie ADHD-preneurs)’, the Philadephia-based coach shares the tools she has used both personally and professionally to minimise the impact on operations, mindset, sales, marketing and relationships.

Katie said: “Time management for ADHD adults can be a real pain. Planning a day is like solving a puzzle with no answer. It can feel like you’re a lone space cadet in a world full of grown-ups.

“Business has been tough enough in the United States over the past few years with ongoing economic uncertainty and the pandemic. But for business owners with ADHD, navigating the challenges of that condition can be even more overwhelming, which is why I created my new podcast.

“The ‘weenie’ in the podcast’s title refers to the nickname I give to ADHD entrepreneurs who are ‘stuck in the suck’ and want a bit of help working towards winning. For any business owner or enthusiastic entrepreneur with ADHD, this podcast is a must-listen.”

Already the podcast is gaining a healthy following amongst ADHD entrepreneurs (both diagnosed and suspected) who want to see their businesses succeed.

The podcast is released every Sunday and is available on Apple Podcasts and all other apps.

Listeners can downloads the first episode about ‘shiny object syndrome’ (the shiny new thing that catches your attention and makes you want to drop everything and pursue it – a problem if you let it take over your business) for free, here.

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