From New Recruits to Sales Experts: How Carplus Academy is Transforming Training

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BOREHAMWOOD, UK. 31st May, 2024 – Carplus is proud to announce the launch of the Carplus Academy, a pioneering training program designed to equip new recruits with a thorough understanding of car finance. Spearheaded by industry veteran Graeme Mitchell, the academy addresses the critical need for an effective induction process in the motor trade. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, this program ensures that every new recruit is well-prepared to thrive in the competitive world of car sales.

Following a successful sales career in a couple of different sales industries, Graeme Mitchell came to the Motor Trade around eight years ago.

Having experienced the onboarding process for both a Main Dealer and a Large Car Supermarket, it became apparent that there was an opportunity to create an induction process that would benefit both the business and the incoming recruits.
Car Finance can be a daunting body of knowledge to learn at the outset. All too often new recruits are thrown in at the deep end and then quickly churned out when they don’t reach the required standards in a short space of time. This sometimes leads to some great talent entering the industry and leaving again before they have had a chance to shine.
Carplus has created “The Carplus Academy”. The Carplus Academy is designed to give new recruits a fast track understanding of the most crucial aspects of Car Finance. This core understanding will form the foundations upon which our recruits launch their success.

How Carplus Academy Process is Build

The Academy begins with a review of the Carplus History, our origins, highlights and visions for the future. Knowing where we have come from, helps understand where we are heading and most importantly, why.
Next we look at our Core Values and what it means to work for Carplus. We view ourselves as a collaborative community where success is shared and celebrated. It is only at this point that we start to delve into the Customer Journey and the accompanying Sales Processes.
Training continues with product knowledge, overcoming customer objections and the platforms of our lender partners.
We also allot time in the induction for Industry Compliance, which includes SAF testing. Plus subjects such as recognising vulnerable customers and how to treat them fairly during the sales process.
On the completion of the theory training, we test our trainees with a 50 question Carplus quiz, where 80% or above is considered a pass. 
The Induction training concludes with our trainees creating a presentation, based on their feedback from our call listening exercise. This presentation is carried out in the boardroom with our Head of Sales and CEO present!
After the induction, the trainees are moved to the sales floor where they begin to pick up live calls with customers. This is where our collaborative community really starts to kick in. If a manager is unable to assist with a trainee’s enquiry, then any available colleague will be happy to share their knowledge and assist with their success!!
Once the first two milestones are reached within the academy, the successful trainee is transferred into the fully fledged Sales Team.

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