Creative Car Park introduces parcel lockers with new LockerQuest partnership

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Norfolk, UNITED KINGDOM, 28 November 2023 – A strategic partnership has been launched between parcel locker experts LockerQuest and Creative Car Park (CCP) to offer its clients the opportunity to host B2C and B2B parcel lockers on their car parks, providing a new revenue generating opportunity. 
Parcel lockers are a convenient, easy and sustainable way to send, receive and return parcels. The UK is currently seeing a growth surge in lockers due to the convenience factor for customers, in addition to carrier cost reductions and carbon emission savings. The recent ‘Out of Home Delivery in Europe’ report by Last Mile Experts revealed that there are currently around 15,000 parcel lockers in the UK – and that number is expected to grow significantly as more consumers and businesses choose lockers as their preferred way of handling parcels. 
One parcel locker company that has recently announced large scale plans is YEEP!, which is the first battery powered and carrier agnostic parcel locker in the UK – meaning it’s open to all delivery companies. YEEP! is planning a network of 10,000 parcel lockers in the UK and LockerQuest is supporting its growth plans, with the help of partners like Creative Car Park.

Jonathan White, CEO at LockerQuest said: “Our aim is to generate our host clients additional recurring revenue from unused or underutilised spaces. After we have confirmation from CCP that a site is interested in hosting a parcel locker, we will carry out a survey to determine the ideal location for the locker based on accessibility, visibility and safety considerations. As we work with different parcel locker types including B2B lockers used by service engineers, we also look to maximise opportunities to create the best return from the space available.” 

Stuart Cummings, CEO at Creative Car Park commented: “Our aim is to help businesses unlock maximum value from their car parks, and we look to exciting new products and partnerships to achieve this. We are delighted to introduce parcel lockers as a new product and our partnership with LockerQuest will ensure that every aspect is taken care of for our clients, from installation to maintenance. We are especially pleased to hear about the battery powered, free standing lockers which make these extremely easy to deploy.”

What are the key benefits of hosting parcel lockers? 

Extra income 
Hosts receive a fixed amount of revenue per year for each parcel locker installed, with no costs, no impact on day-to-day operations and no reduction in parking revenues. 
Increased footfall 
Parcel lockers will provide an increase in customer footfall, generating additional income for retail, leisure and hospitality locations. 
Enhanced service feature 
Adding parcel lockers to a location can create an additional service for workers, tenants and the community. They can be viewed as a destination of choice. 
Improved social responsibility 
Parcel lockers support the local community and help to improve the environment with reduced carbon emissions within the parcel delivery sector. 
To learn more about becoming a parcel locker host please visit


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