Athstat Names Company Advisors – Mtawarira, Mitchell, Vilgrain

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Athstat Names Company Advisors – Mtawarira, Mitchell, Vilgrain
Athstat, a leading sports analytics and data management company, today announced the appointment of 3 new company advisors.
Tendai ‘Beast’ Mtawarira, Stanislas Vilgrain and John Mitchell join Athstat to help move the company to the next level.
‘The appointment of these 3 prominent individuals – each a star in their own field – reflects Athstat’s commitment to bringing the best and brightest ideas into the company,’ said Thariq Kara, Athstat CEO and Co-Founder.
‘We are really committed to having a solid product that truly helps sports organizations leverage their data, and to make better decisions at any level, be it amatuer or professional sports.’
Advisor Profiles
Tendai ‘Beast’ Mtawarira is a retired 14 year rugby veteran. He is widely considered as one of the best to have played his position. On the field he won some of the most coveted accolades, chief among them, the 2019 Rugby World Cup.
John Mitchell is an elite rugby coach known for his cutting edge and innovative coaching ideologies that have made his sides tough to beat. He has coached some of the best teams in the world, including the New Zealand All Blacks. His most recent roles have been with England, Wasps and Japan.
Stanislas Vilgrain is a seasoned business and industry leader. He is the Founder, and Chairman of Cuisine Solutions; the leading company in the premium fully cooked frozen food using the sous vide technology. Cuisine Solutions is widely recognized as the world’s best food producer; recommended by the best chefs in the world.
Upcoming Releases
Athstat continues to grow across multiple sporting codes, and is used in four continents by organizations and individuals looking to get a better return on investment with its data analysis capabilities. The platform includes the following modules:
  • Athstat Pitchside: Set up seasons, games, rosters; collect scores, and other high level statistics.
  • Athstat Analytics: ingest, join and analyze large amounts of GPS, video, weather, bio-health and other datasets to truly analyze team and individual athlete performance.
  • Athstat Data Sharing: tag and share artifacts with players and coaches; catalog and store data in a single place.
  • Athstat U: create and share team training(s); access world-class technical training from leading online providers.
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