An Open Letter to Matthew McConaughey

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An Open Letter to Matthew McConaughey
Sheridan US, October 10, 2022
Dear Matthew,
Texans have much to lose with the stakes so high that it is a matter of life and death. With common sense gun laws needing to be put into place and protecting women’s rights to their own bodies, lives are hanging in the balance.  
Relieving children’s and parents’ fear and anxiety about the possibility of being gunned down at school would make the quality of life much greater for all Texans. Giving a woman the right to decide whether she can emotionally, physically and financially go through a pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child should be made on her timetable regardless of the circumstances. These two important factors during this election make supporting the right candidate for the job as governor more critical.
While your efforts after the Uvalde shooting were VERY admirable and very much appreciated, we would hate those efforts to be wasted. After past shootings occurred in Texas, the Republican politicians seemed to say all the right things, saying they would investigate different legislative bills to help with gun violence. You and I both know this has not happened. 
Instead, Governor Abbott and state lawmakers have worked to dismantle the state’s existing protections. Last year the Texas legislature passed permitless carry, a dangerous policy that has been shown to increase gun violence in other states. At this perilous time, they can’t be trusted to put the safety of Texans over the lobbyist and money.
If Abbot were serious about passing any gun safety bills, there would have been a special legislative session to put it to a vote. They did not! 
New statewide polling of Texans in July 2022 from the Texas Politics Project from The University of Texas at Austin shows the majority of Texans support stricter gun safety laws. So, regardless of anyone’s past party affiliations, we are asking Texans to support the candidate that will work to put common sense gun laws into place. NOW. We need humanity and compassion from our leaders.
With the polls leaning towards Abbott now is the time to get behind the candidate that will ensure these all important and time critical issues are addressed.
We hope you will join us and support the Democratic candidates that will help effectuate these actions for the good of all Texans. And we hope you will be…. BONGOS FOR BETO! We know you would work well together to help bring about a new moderate approach to pressing issues. With your advocacy and high profile visibility all things are possible. Changes that the majority of Texans have been waiting for, but lack the ability to reach as many voters and politicians that your voice brings.
Help us get to the finish line and on November 8th let’s turn the light from red to GREENLIGHT! 
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