A hyper-realistic Tabletop Metaverse is coming to your devices.

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An expert London based XR (eXtended Reality) development studio has begun their journey of delivering a life-like tabletop metaverse experience to VR/AR and desktop. And, it’s free.

In development for over a year, canVERSE has utilised cutting edge rendering technology to bring a hyper-realistic yet still performant tabletop gaming experience. Their initial Chess “Early Access” Beta is currently available to wishlist on Steam and will be coming in the very near future.

In addition to this they have also launched a canVERSE Community Discord server and are looking to the community to help sculpt and guide their developmental roadmap.

“We’re delighted to be developing Metaverse content, that’s interoperable, open and built with the community.”- Barn Cleave, CEO of canVERSE

canVERSE hopes that their hyper-realistic tabletop shared gaming space will not only entertain on numerous platforms, but will be the beginning of larger discussions around how the gaming landscape is moving closer to the decentralised nature of Web 3.0 and the Metaverse.

“Here at canVERSE we set out to create not only the greatest looking version of chess but also the first piece in our roadmap to the Metaverse. We look forward to bringing you along on our journey.” – Charlie Hasdell, CPO of canVERSE

Head to https://linktr.ee/canverse and join the community.

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