Editorial Guidelines. A person sat on the floor looking at their computer

PR Fire's Editorial Guidelines

The PR Fire team authenticates and ensures content is newsworthy, acceptable, accurate and correctly formatted.

Content should be legitimate news, announcing something new and/or timely. All press releases must be newsworthy. PR Fire is not an article directory or content hub. We only accept high-quality, genuine press releases, such as company events, expansions, milestones, annual profits, competitions, and other significant developments.

All press releases must have a minimum word length of 400 words and a maximum word length of 1500.

Press releases should read like a news announcement, not an advertisement. They must focus on delivering news without asking questions or using overly promotional language. Submissions that resemble general articles, guides, or blogs will be rejected.

All press releases must be accurate and not contain aggressive language, slanderous comments, references to legal cases, or statements intended to harm other persons, individuals, or groups. PR Fire does not accept press releases containing strong religious or political opinions/views or releases that contain only opinions or are mostly comprised of opinions.

All press releases must contain valid media contact information, including a media contact name and email address.

We do not accept duplicate press releases already submitted to other websites. The editorial team strictly enforces this policy, which is at its discretion.

All press releases must be free of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. It is not the responsibility of the editorial team to proofread and edit your content. Submissions will not be accepted if grammatical errors are present.

Press releases cannot contain (X)HTML formatting. The only formatting allowed is backlinks, bold text, and clickable email addresses, which are added using custom tags.

Press Release Headline

We require one main image for press release distribution. The PR Fire distribution system only supports .jpg and .png file types. You may submit additional images, but their inclusion is not guaranteed. Company logos are not permitted in any press releases. 

For additional images, we recommend providing a link to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder in the Notes to the Editor section. This allows journalists easy access. Press releases with embedded images will be returned for revisions.

All press releases must be written in the third person. Any references to “I,” “we,” “us,” “you,” “your,” etc should only be contained in quotes.

The article must have a logical and professional press release structure e.g. summary, main content, closing comment and editor comment. Subheadings are generally not included in news announcements. Press releases must have an objective tone throughout. Any opinions and/or subjective comments must be expressed in the form of a quote from a named spokesperson

All hyperlinks within press releases must be relevant to the content and not for promotional purposes. Hyperlinks must direct media contacts from your press release to further helpful information, such as linking graphics, documents, social media accounts, videos, audio files, etc.

PR Fire reserves the right to reject, modify and delete any content that it deems to be offensive, slanderous, racist, inflammatory, sexually explicit or promotes violence/ terrorism.

Headlines should not be too long (preferably under 10 words); short and accurate headlines perform better.

Press releases must be correctly formatted, with each paragraph separated by a line break. Avoid double-spacing or unnecessary line breaks.
Always include the city where the release originates, typically the location of the company’s headquarters (e.g., LONDON, UK).

Press releases should focus on the entity issuing the announcement and must be submitted from a valid business email address. If the submission does not meet these criteria, authentication from the entity may be required.

PR Fire may request additional proof to verify authenticity for press releases containing dubious or grandiose claims (e.g., testimonials, endorsements, partnerships, or extraordinary achievements).

You can opt for PR Fire’s Editorial Team to edit your press release for a fee starting from £55 (+VAT) to ensure it complies with the Editorial Guidelines and is the most compelling story version possible.

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